Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Decade in Reflection

As I sit here at the end of the day on my first day of my 30th year on Earth, I decided that it is time to reflect on this past decade and move forward. This past decade was full of many good things with a dash of challenges sprinkled throughout. I felt the excitement and joy of graduating from college and going on to a career that has been the only sure thing in my life. I have had many great experiences as a nurse and worked with many great people in a variety of environments. I feel as though I have grown mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through being a nurse. I have travelled the world and intend to keep traveling. I expanded my education with an advanced degree and look forward to the opportunities that await me with this knowledge. I have developed a most diverse circle of friends, both in Kansas and in Arizona (moving to another state was a first for me in my 20s as well). There were also a few friends that were lost this year and are watching me from above. I felt and gave love easily and dealt with the heartaches of that love gone bad. I experienced marriage and the significant pain of divorce. People have asked if I feel older and I say that I feel no different then yesterday and that I look forward to what the next decade brings. I am not afraid of growing older, I am just afraid of not using my time wisely for what God has planned for me. I know that I have become a more confident woman and not afraid to go for what I want in life and what I feel God wants for me. I feel as though the road is wide open in front of me just asking for me to drive on and that is exactly what I plan to do-Drive On!

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