Sunday, August 28, 2011

Eyes Wide Open

So a brief bit about my lay over in London. In an attempt to change terminals, I got on the wrong train which took me into London. Luckily only 15 minutes to Paddington Station, where I was politely instructed on how to get on the next train to turn around back to the airport. My luggage was a BEOTCH to lug around. That is the last time I take anything other then a suitcase on wheels. Once I was in the right terminal and checked into my flight with Qatar Airlines, I was soon schooled in the British airlines rules of checking bags. Yes you can check as many as you want, but if you are over a total weight of 23 kg, then we will SCREW YOU OVER!!!! I had no choice but to take it. I paid $529 for being 10kg overweight. Apparently this airline assumes that if you fly them then you have a connection to an oil pipeline and can afford whatever price they set. It didn't help any that i said it was for charity and that I could provide her with documentation. What choice did I have really? Those items had to get there. Oh I could have attempted to send it via cargo plane, but who knows where it would have ended up. I am the responsible person for those medications and getting them to the correct place. So, I am taking donations to defer that cost when I get back home. I am sure Hands4Africa will give you a tax receipt for your kind contribution to my bank account. Even though I am officially exhausted and trying to not fall asleep as I type this, I didn't lose my cool. I think I may have stuttered and stammered a bit when she told me how much, but I maintained composure. I did get to take a shower after all of that and I didn't have to rent a yotel capsule. If my layover was longer I would have cuz you get charged for 4 hours minimum. So that helped me feel refreshed and got the stink off of me. So lesson learned is that I will fly directly to TZ the next time and not change airlines. That way my bags can be checked clear through to the final destination. Luckily on this next part of my trip, I stay on the same airline and don't leave the airport!! 
On other news, people watching at an huge international airport such as this is quite interesting. I have seen women with all different kinds of head wraps from just a scarf around the head to nothing to a complete head to toe black burka where you can only see her eyes. There is also a multi faith prayer room here, which I have not seen before in an airport. I somehow don't feel like I minority here, even though I am in more ways then one. I guess one eventually gets used to that feeling when you are living in the middle of a place that forces you to be the minority. That's all for now.
Keep praying and wishing me luck.

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