Friday, August 12, 2011

Wine, Wine, Wine

So today I made, what I thought would be a fairly quick trip, to Cortez, CO where the nearest Walmart is located. I had a prescription to drop off for meds that I need to take before embarking on my great African adventure.  I didn't have anything else to do there, so I had lunch and then went to this winery that I had seen signs for on my previous trips. The road to the winery took me through some beautiful areas and I saw about 6 buffalo or maybe bison (don't really know the difference) chillin' in a big grassy pen.  That was an interesting site for sure. I finally made it to the Guy Drew winery after missing the turn off due to a broken down suburban sitting in front of the sign and met Guy and Ruth Drew. They own the vineyards and the wine is made right there on their property. Now, I have gone to some smaller vineyards in the past and have found the wines to be either really sweet or really dry, not so here. I had a great time trying all of their wines and talking with Ruth. I mentioned my up coming trip to Africa and she was excited for me. I also mentioned that my 30th birthday is on Wednesday and after I purchased 4 bottle of wine she through in an extra one for my birthday. So I have two bottle of a great rosea wine, one in the "sexy" bottle as she puts it and the other (the free one) in the "non-sexy, wrong" bottle. I told her that the wine is what is "sexy" not the bottle!!! I will definitely return there after my trip to share my stories and drink more wine. So, if you are ever in Cortez, Colorado stop in at this winery  and enjoy some of the best "homemade" wine I have tasted, better then what I have purchased at World Market, Safeway or from one of those "wine clubs".  Needless to say, my quick trip wasn't so quick!

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